Welcome to “The Edge”

During my 30 years in the recruiting industry, I played a role in hundreds of successful career transitions. The lessons I learned during that time serve as an important building block for career coaching. Blending the two disciplines gives me a unique perspective into what it takes to navigate job and career changes. I hope you find a few “golden nuggets” that give you an edge that leads you down the path to a more meaningful and rewarding career.

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Navigating Your Career Journey: How a Career Coach Can Help and Tips for Choosing the Right One
Career, Job Search Jeff Rothman Career, Job Search Jeff Rothman

Navigating Your Career Journey: How a Career Coach Can Help and Tips for Choosing the Right One

Feeling trapped in your current job? Uncertain about your career path or how to navigate a job transition?

You're not alone. Many professionals reach a point where they need a guiding hand to help them achieve their career goals. In this article, we'll explore how tapping the expertise of an experienced career coach can be the game-changer you're seeking.

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10 Tips for Interviewing Success at Mid-Career and Beyond
Interviewing Jeff Rothman Interviewing Jeff Rothman

10 Tips for Interviewing Success at Mid-Career and Beyond

Mid-career professionals face unique challenges when navigating the interview process. When you get to mid-career, job interviews are different. You’re likely to be older than the people interviewing you, which creates the potential for age bias—conscious or unconscious.

This insightful piece by respected career coach John Tarnoff reveals insightful strategies and tips that will help you more confidently overcome the inherent obstacles you’ll face when someone younger than you has the power to decide your fate.

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Prepare for the Unexpected: Unconventional Interview Questions Every Job Seeker Should Know About
Interviewing Jeff Rothman Interviewing Jeff Rothman

Prepare for the Unexpected: Unconventional Interview Questions Every Job Seeker Should Know About

You're probably familiar with the typical interview questions that virtually every employer poses. You know, the ones most people diligently prepare for in advance, such as "tell me about yourself," "why do you want this job," or the one about your strengths and weaknesses.

But what about those unexpected, thought-provoking questions that some savvy interviewers might toss your way? These questions are strategically crafted to uncover your true personality, instincts, and soft skills.

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Supercharge Your Job Search (and Career) By Unlocking the Untapped Synergy Between Your Resume and LinkedIn Profile
LinkedIn, Resumes Jeff Rothman LinkedIn, Resumes Jeff Rothman

Supercharge Your Job Search (and Career) By Unlocking the Untapped Synergy Between Your Resume and LinkedIn Profile

Your LinkedIn profile is the world’s window into your career. It’s the one place for every piece of information you want potential employers, recruiters, colleagues, advisors, mentors, and friends to know about you.

Your profile is much more than an online resume. Yes, it includes the information from your resume (put it in the Experience section). But the power of the profile is the complete 360-degree view of you as a whole person.

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Cover Letters: Not Dead Yet!
Cover Letters Jeff Rothman Cover Letters Jeff Rothman

Cover Letters: Not Dead Yet!

If you think cover letters are a waste of time, think again. According to research conducted by the writer of this post, the overwhelming majority of recruiters and hiring managers still read cover letters in certain situations.

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