Rothman Career Coaching

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Navigating Your Career Journey: How a Career Coach Can Help and Tips for Choosing the Right One

Feeling trapped in your current job? Uncertain about your career path or how to navigate a job transition? 

You're not alone. Many professionals reach a point where they need a guiding hand to help them achieve their career goals. In this article, we'll explore the world of career coaching and why it might be the game-changer you're seeking.

Unlocking the Power of Career Coaching

A few years ago, I found myself in a similar situation. Frustration and unhappiness had taken root in my work life, and I yearned for change. The problem was, I didn't have a clear vision of what that change should be. I was trapped in my career bubble, unable to see beyond its confines. Attempting to navigate this on my own was an exercise in futility.

It was during this time that I began reading books by career coaches and realized how the profession aligned with my skills and experience, and was a much better fit with the “real me.” As I learned more, I realized how valuable it would have been for me to have a coach to help me when I was struggling. Today, as a career coach myself, I'm committed to making sure others don’t miss out.

Navigating the Path with a Career Coach

Career coaching involves a dynamic partnership that guides individuals through career transitions, leading them toward more meaningful and fulfilling career paths. A career coach empowers you to:

  • Define an inspiring vision and purpose for your career

  • Align your strengths, passions, and experiences with meaningful work

  • Uncover previously unseen possibilities

  • Test new options in a supportive environment

  • Overcome limiting beliefs and circumstances that have kept you stuck or stifled

  • Reconnect with your self-confidence and motivate you to take action.

10 Reasons to Invest in Career Coaching

Wondering if a career coach is right for you? The right time to consider partnering with a coach is when you want to:

  1. Get unstuck from a dead-end job or one that no longer feels fulfilling

  2. Reignite a stalled job search

  3. Rebound from a career setback and land your next job quickly

  4. Gain greater clarity on the future direction of your career

  5. Reenter the workforce after you’ve taken time off

  6. Cultivate a more robust professional network with people who can give you expert guidance and put you directly in touch with employers who need your talents 

  7. Find more effective ways of getting interviews instead of sending your resume into the online job application "black hole"

  8. Pivot to a new career that’s more rewarding and fulfilling

  9. Embark on a career change later in life when the odds seem stacked against you

  10. Master the interview process so you can secure more interviews and get more offers.

Keys to Identifying the Right Career Coach

Selecting a career coach is a crucial decision that warrants careful consideration. Here are a few factors to keep in mind as you evaluate which one best fits your needs.

  • Don’t worry about location: Technology enables coaches to work effectively with clients in any part of the country. 

  • Focus on the relationship: Make sure you feel completely comfortable talking openly and honestly about your challenges. 

  • Assess their coaching style: Your coach is your partner. The best ones are highly curious, ask powerful questions, listen intently, and make you feel fully supported. 

  • Know their ‘why’: Ask them why they became a coach. Their backstory is likely to provide valuable insight. 

  • They ‘get’ you: Ask for examples of how they’ve helped people like you overcome challenges like the ones you’re facing. 

  • Availability between sessions: Make sure they’re available at no additional charge (within certain parameters) for brief conversations between sessions by phone, email, or text message. 

  • Take the test drive: Most coaches offer an initial complimentary coaching session so you can get a feel for how they work and whether they’re a good fit for you. Take advantage of it!

  • Customized approach: In coaching, one size does not fit all. Your coach’s approach and the resources they use should be tailored to your particular needs. 

  • Know your budget: Coaching is an investment in your future. Don’t skimp, but avoid stressing yourself financially. Most coaches charge between $75 and $300 per hour, and sometimes even more.

Investing in Yourself

Career coaching is an investment in your future. Like any investment, you need to evaluate whether you believe it will generate a satisfying return. 

Only invest in coaching if you are willing to challenge yourself and put in the work. A career coach won't secure your dream job for you, but they will equip you with the tools and insights to achieve more than you thought possible. This transformation is internal—increased self-awareness, knowledge of how to get what you want, and the capacity to become more than you dreamed you could be.

Take the Next Step

If you're ready to take the plunge, I'm here to help. Let's connect for a complimentary, 30-minute consultation where we can delve deeper into your career aspirations and how I can help you achieve your goals. Schedule your consultation now by clicking here.

Remember, your career journey is a story waiting to be written. Let's embark on this transformative journey together.